IACS Core Faculty launch second year of NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
First row: Matthew Reuter (Co-PI), Chelsey Dollinger (IACS Office Manager), Trevor Lata, Alan Calder (Co-PI); Second row: Memming Park (Mentor: Neurobiology & Behavior), Catherine Scott (Assistant Director for Faculty Development), Rajrishi Das, Michael Ilobi; Third Row: Gregory Croisdale, Jeffrey Heinz (Mentor: Computational Linguistics, Ann Gardner (IACS Admin. Director), Joshua Poravanthattil; Fourth row: Philip Kaelbling, Ben Levine (Mentor: Chemistry), Robert Harrison (IACS Director), Oliver Diamond; Fifth row: Layth Yassin, Nathanael Gutierrez
IACS core and affiliate faculty recently launched the second year of our NSF-funded research experience for undergraduates (REU) program. Called Data + Computing = Discovery! (DCD), the program aims to demonstrate computational and data science research, training, and careers to outstanding undergraduate students from across the country. Despite being virtual in 2021 due to the pandemic DCD, our nine participants both contributed to ongoing IACS research projects in linguistics, neurology, sociology, chemistry, astrophysics, computer science, and applied mathematics; and expanded their professional networks through professional development and social activities.
DCD will have its sophomore outing -- hopefully in-person -- in Summer 2022 and is currently accepting applications. Please help us spread word of the program to outstanding undergraduates you know who are interested in computational and data science. DCD provides a summer stipend, room and board, training in computational techniques, mentoring by IACS researchers, and other opportunities to prepare participants for success in their studies, careers, and beyond.
More information can be found at https://iacs.stonybrook.edu/dcd/